About this project

This is real time face detection using our webcam and a JavaScript library called face-api.js which built on top of tensorflow.js core , which implements several CNNs (Convolutional Neural Networks) to do face detection, face recognition and face landmark detection, optimized for the webpages.

In addition age_gender_model is used to detect user's age. Mean value of last thirty ages that program stored is displayed as user's age.

go to repository : https://github.com/nuwanuom18/Face-Detection-Bot

Sample Demo

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How to use

Here you can add and drop detecting methods. Please note that every 100ms the state of buttons are updated. You may have to click several times to change state because it may recognize your input as several inputs according to the delay.

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Face Recognition Project

This project provides real time face recognition using OpenCV-Python.

How it works

to know how it works go to repository and read README.md : https://github.com/nuwanuom18/face-recognition-project

Sample Demo

Recognize faces on images


Recognize faces using webcam